
How To Install Dryer Vent In Glass Block Window

Frequently, particularly in older homes, it is necessary to get creative when trying to determine how to get a dryer vent to the outside of the habitation. All dryer manufacturers take specifications on the maximum distance a dryer should be vented to minimize the gamble of backlog lint building up, which creates a fire hazard. Adhering to these specifications as well maximizes the efficiency of the dryer, lowering the energy needed to operate the machine.

Occasionally, information technology makes the nearly sense to route the dryer vent through a glass cake. This is something that can be accomplished with a little planning. Here we will talk over the steps needed to complete the project.

Step 1- Set up the New Glass Block

wall of glass blocks

Drilling a concord in a glass cake can be tricky. Drilling a four-inch hole in a drinking glass cake tin can be almost incommunicable for the majority of people. The primary reason for this is the boilerplate practise-it-yourselfer does not have a 4-inch diamond core drill bit. This is what is needed to create the needed hole in the glass cake.

Even so, many hardware stores can practise this for you. If all else fails, contact a drinking glass repair or replacement company, someone will exist able to practice information technology for you. Y'all volition need a four-inch pigsty cut on either side of the glass cake. In one case yous have your cake cut, you are gear up to brainstorm the installation.

Step 2 - Remove the Sometime Block

Advisedly remove the glass block from the wall, where you lot desire to locate the dryer vent pipe. You lot will need to be very careful with this office, as you do not want to damage the blocks effectually the one you are trying to supplant. The best way to remove one block is to carefully chisel abroad at the mortar or epoxy that was used to secure it into identify.

Sometimes, there are spacers in betwixt blocks, so if yous run into an obstacle in the removal of the mortar or epoxy, maneuver around information technology. Once yous have removed enough, the block will get increasingly loose, and you should exist able to carefully maneuver it out of identify.

If you are not able to get enough of the mortar or epoxy out to get it out, yous may demand to break the block into smaller pieces. Glass blocks have a vacuum created in the centre, and they tend to break violently. Brand certain y'all have middle protection, face mask, gloves, and long sleeves on if this is the route you become. Utilise a hammer and chisel to interruption the glass, and then remove the smaller pieces.

Step iii - Replace the Block

washer and dryer

Install the cutting block in place of the broken 1 using the aforementioned blazon of mortar or epoxy. Allow the mortar or epoxy to gear up at to the lowest degree overnight.

Step four - Install the Dryer Pipage

Insert the dryer pipe through the glass cake in one case the new mortar has fix. Use silicone caulk to seal the vent pipe effectually both sides of the glass.


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